Civil War?
There has been a lot of talk recently regarding Iraq, and whether or not the country has fallen into a civil war. Many analysts are claiming that it has, and the Bush administration is insisting that this is anything but a civil war. In fact they have been adamant in trying to steer people away from any mention of such a thing.
The Bush Administration is desperate to avoid the mention of civil war, because they know that if it becomes recognized as such by the American People, all hope of maintaining any support for the war will vanish. It will also be the ultimate indication of failure for their policies. We invaded Iraq because of WMD, but when they didn't appear the Administration insisted that it was ok because we were bringing democracy to Iraq. If all we end up bringing them is a civil war, then they have ultimately wasted thousands of lives and billions of dollars on a futile effort.
So is it a civil war? I guess it depends on your definition. To the Bush administration it seems that they are only going to concede civil war if the troops end up lining up on a battlefield across from each other, all wearing uniforms and then start firing at each other. While this is of course the popular image of the U.S. Civil War, it is also an obsolete form of warfare. No one fights that way anymore.
The most recent civil wars we have had have been in places like Sudan, Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. These civil wars have all been defined by ethnic violence, mass killings, terror attacks, and guerilla tactics. They have not been fought on a U.S. civil war battlefield. In the context of these modern civil wars, the current conflict in Iraq is easily identified as a civil war. We have seen ethnic violence, mass killings, terror attacks and guerilla tactics. Neither side in the civil war is going to put on uniforms and start marching up and down the fields of Baghdad. That is not how wars are won.
The Bush Administration was still living in the Cold War when we invaded Iraq. They expected a conventional battle, and instead the Iraqis fell into the new type of war that was perfected by the Afghanistanis during their war with Russia. Now the Administration is again standing by outdated definitions of warfare, and they are looking increasingly out of touch.
We are losing dozens of people every day in Iraq. Today there were at least 29 killed, yesterday almost 40. Every day is the same. Bodies being found after execution, mass killings, bombings and terror. These attacks are no longer directed at the U.S., they are Sunni's attacking Shiites, and Shiites attacking Sunnis, and Kurds attacking everyone else. As former Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi recently said, "If this is not civil war, I don't know what is."
One thing we all need to remember, is these people who are dying would all likely be alive today if it wasn't for our wonderful President. We invaded Iraq without provocation or evidence of threat, and we chose to insert ourselves into this situation. It was purely a war of choice. While these people might have lived restricted lives under Saddam, at least most of them would have been alive. Saddam was an evil tyrant, and needed to go. However was the best way to do that invading the country, spending billions of dollars, sacrificing thousands of American and Iraqi lives, and bringing their country to destruction?
It is like the famous quote from a Vietnam War veteran. "We had to destroy the village to save it." What a mad world we live in.