The Tyranny of the Majority
Well after that heading this might seem strange, but I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, at least those readers in the U.S. My family had a nice time, and we are still recovering from the overdose of food.
I know I haven't been posting as much as I used to, and I promise it will get better. The problem is that everything is just so depressing. I was looking back through my blog, and I am one depressing guy, it is just post after post of negativity. I really wanted to do a positive post today, and I was preparing for that, but of course, Dennis Hastert had to get in the way.
For those of you who know the name, but can't place him, Hastert is the Republican majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is the guy who gets to make and enforce all the rules in the House. Well he has just made an unprecedented change.
See in the past, any bill could get debated and discussed, any bill could get voted on. Not any more. Hastert recently announced that he is changing House rules so that no bill will even be considered unless the "Majority of the Majority" approves of it. What this means is that unless more than 50% of the Republicans support the bill, it won't even come to the floor. This is simply an amazing abuse of power. They can do it, but they shouldn't.
This means that if there are any bipartisan bills, even if they would pass easily because all Democrats and nearly half the Republicans were in favor of it, it would not even get a chance. This is not even theoretical any more. Recently the House tried to pass the intelligence reforms that were suggested by the 9/11 commission. These reforms had broad bipartisan approval. The President said he supported them. The majority of the Democrats and a good chunk of Republicans supported them. The bill would have easily passed. Unfortunately it was not allowed to come to a vote though, because a majority of Republicans disapproved.
This is a supposed to be a democracy, instead we are getting a tyranny of the majority. Nothing will be allowed to be even considered in the House unless the Republicans are supporting it fully. There will be no opportunity for any Democratic supported bills to even be debated in the House. Democrats will only be able to react to Republican bills, they will only be able to have legislative success if they vote for Republican presented bills. This is outrageous.
There are a couple of reasons I think they are doing this. In future campaigns, they will be able to point at their Democratic opponents, and accuse them of doing nothing in Congress but obstructionism. They will be able to say "See my opponent, he spent x number of years in the House, and did nothing positive, only opposed bill after bill after bill." Of course most people won't realize that this is because of the Republican control of the agenda. I also think they are doing this simply because they can. They see it as their right as victors. However I mentioned earlier that it is an unprecedented change, and I think it is a dangerous one to make.
Remember the NAFTA agreement? NAFTA was passed in the House (under a Democratic majority) by the majority of the Republicans and a minority of the Democrats. This would never happen under these kinds of rules. The Republicans are setting a precedent that could forever change the nature and tone of our Congress. It will become an even more bitterly divided place, and somehow I think that maybe that is what they want as well. They plan on becoming the permanent majority, and maybe this is part of the plan. Our only hope is that the American people will wake up to what they are doing, and it will backfire on them. However I don't have much hope of that happening.
In the meantime, we will now have a government agenda that is totally and fully the Republicans. There will be no room for ANY Democratic initiatives. Kerry is talking about pushing a bill in the Senate to provide health insurance for all children, but it will die in the House, because it won't even get discussed.
This is a usurpation of power, and a dangerous one.
Here is a link!